Clever solutions to the plastic problem

Plastic reduction. It doesn’t have a very positive ring to it, does it? When we discuss removing something, it suggests that there is a sacrifice involved. It doesn’t have to be, it can actually be fun! One of the many ways I’ve started reducing plastic and my impact on the environment is simply by making smarter choices. Hopefully, you can find something new here by asking yourself a few simple questions. I’d love to spark fun and economical ways to live and consume, not ones of deprivation. Even though you may have heard of these steps many times already, I think they’re worth repeating.

What are you drinking?

Simply by having a thermos with me, I’ve reduced the amount of plastic bottles and tea-cups I use tremendeously. There is the rare occation when I forget to bring it along, but for the most part a thermos is always in my bag. In Ayurveda we understand that warm water is easier to digest then cold, so especialy for travels it’s a much kinder choice to our body. Most cafes fill it up with hot water for free, also on trains and airplanes this has been my experience. Travelling increase the Vata dosha in us and dry us out. A sip of warm water has never tasted better then on the road! Try it with a few slices of ginger or drops of lime to spice things up a little.

Where are you doing your shopping?


Have you heard of Zero waste stores? They’re a growing concept and available in most places now. The idea being that you can bring your own container and purchase local products in bulk without all the plastic packaging.
Annie at Mind Body Bowl has gathered a good overview here. I have also linked to an article over of stores doing a beautiful job in Hamburg.

What are you eating out?

When I travel I also bring a food container and a spoon for the occasion that I need to bring food along or pick something up from a restaurant. It may sound like a hassle but honestly, it’s so worth it. The food also tastes so much better when I use my own spoon and not a plastic one. It also helps me to not overeat since I can pack up the container with leftovers from the meal and have it later.

Choose your restaurant wisely. Do they actually seem to care about your and the wellbeing of the environment? I like to peek into the kitchen to see what the vibe is there. Remember that the cook is influencing the meal with its mood and intention. I like to eat food cooked with love, don’t you too?

What are you eating at home?

One of the most motivating statements to make a change I recently heard is that most of us consume the equivalent of a credit card in microplastic, per week! A new study commisioned by WWF (The World Wildlife Fund) is indicating this (read more here). When we consume food and water packed in plastic, some of it makes it into our system too. Consumption of ocean fish is also a big reason for why we consume such large amounts of plastic.
By buying food locally produced, and not packed in plastic, we can start to reduce the amount of plastic that makes it into our home and bodies. It may require a bit of extra planning and it may be slightly more expensive to shop at a farmers market, but in the long run, I promise your body and the environment will thank you. Going to the market has become one of my favorite activities! It helps me stay anchored in reality and understand what actually is available and in season. Every time we purchase something, we vote for what we want more of. Remember when the organic bananas were more expensive than the non-organic ones? That’s mostly not the case anymore, thanks to many people voting and purchasing the organic option.

What are you wearing?

What if I told you you can wear waste instead of creating it? There are some absolutely brilliant people out there doing smart things with our trash. One of my favorites is OGNX yoga that make sustainable, comfortable and playful yoga wear out of recycled Polyester, Polyamid and Lenzing Modal™. They produce in Europe and Turkey and make sure that the process is as sustainable and ethical as can be, from the moment of design until the products arrive at your door. The cotton pants and tops are organic, super soft and comfortable. Have a look here at their new collection and shop with 10% off with my code Areyouvedic10.
An other brilliant way to reduce consumption is to rent clothes and borrow from friends. (That you won’t be sweating in as much). Check out Hurr if you live in the UK, they’re looking to expand to the rest of Europe soon too.

What are you comunicating?

Here’s a few further changes I’ve made that aren’t to difficult to begin with:

  • Swap out your plastic and difficult to recycle razor for a more old fashion one with fewer parts and replaceable blades.

  • Swap your cotton buds with plastic handles for ones made or more natural materials

    By talking about this and by voting with your food and clothing choices, you decide what kind of world you want to exist in. As consumers we have more power then we think!