Being of service - an interview

Today I’m turning 30 years young and to be honest with you, my feelings are more mixed then I thought they would be. It’s quite a milestone in life and I’m taking some time to reflect on how I’ve lived, live, and what I wish for the years to come. 

I’m grateful for so many things, especially to be so fortunate to get to grow up in a beautiful family, country, and community with all the opportunities that come with that. All the travels and meetings I’ve had through my work, and that have brought me the understanding of how different the reality can be for so many of us. 

Even though I also have faced my struggles with my health, most of the problems I have today are wonderful ones to have. Too many choices, the anxiety around how I show up in the world, am I good enough, helpful enough, present in the way I’d like to be, do I remember to take care of myself? I don’t have to struggle to survive, I have the luxury to aim to thrive, and the opportunity to make a difference.

So what would I like to do when I grow up?
To help people was always the answer. 


I know now that I prefer to support people to help themselves. I don’t have your answers, you do. But I can ask the right questions and stand by your side and listen attentively to your answers. I can encourage you to find your voice, to understand what you need with the tools of Yoga and Ayurveda and help you with a plan to take action. And together, we can make this world a little kinder and the people in it a little more aware and compassionate. If we can get the stuff out of the way that is distracting us, life really gets interesting.

On the topic of being of service, the lovely Aude over at The Healing Journey asked to interview me.

Read the full interview here.

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