How to make Ghee (clarified butter)


This is one of my favorite Ayurvedic practices. It brings a calm to the entire home when the delicious smell of ghee fills my house. I usually keep silence, play a mantra or say one quietly to myself when I make it. 

One thing I forgot to mention in the video, is that ghee is best done on or just before the full moon. That way we harness the powerful qualities of the waxing moon in the ghee. If you think about it, our bodies consist of 50-75 % water. If our oceans and water sources on the earth are so heavily affected by ebb and flow, it only makes sense that it affects us too, and the ghee. When the moon is waxing we can think of it as an intensification of the energies, a crescendo. Once the moon has peaked and it’s waining, the energies around us calm down and it’s easier to sleep deeply. This is a beautiful example of how we’re affected by nature as microcosms in the universe, the macrocosm.

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Lisa Åkesson